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Category: Biography
In 1974 Charles W. Colson pleaded guilty to Watergate-related offenses and, after a tumultuous investigation, served seven months in prison. In his search for meaning and purpose in the face of the Watergate scandal, Colson penned Born Again. This unforgettable memoir shows a man who, seeking fulfillment in success and power, found it, paradoxically, in national disgrace and prison. In the decades since its initial publication, Born Again has brought hope and encouragement to millions. This remarkable story of new life continues to influence lives around the world through a dozen foreign editions.
AuthorColson, Charles W.
AuthorCloud, Henry and John Townsend
Category: Family
AuthorTownsend, John
Category: Family
AuthorHarris, Joshua
AuthorCRC Publications
Series NameBible Crossroads
AuthorCRC Publications
Series NameBible Crossroads
AuthorMoore, Beth
Category: Fiction
AuthorBergren, Lisa T.
Year Published2009
Series NameThe Homeward Trilogy #1