First CRC Library

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Category: Worship
Christian worship in North America has undergone great change in recent years. But change always brings uncertainty -- at times even division -- about what constitutes ""authentic worship."" This important book reviews a wide variety of current perspectives and offers a fresh outlook on the contemporary practice of Christian worship.

In order to provide the widest, most insightful discussion on present-day worship practices yet assembled, the authors gathered a team of church musicians, ministers, worship leaders, and educators from eight church traditions. Discerning the Spirits is the fruit of their work. Shaped by the wisdom of men and women like Marva Dawn, Justo Gonzalez, C. Michael Hawn, and John Witvliet, this book broadens today's ""worship wars"" into a bigger, richer discussion that moves from arguments over musical tastes to good thinking about the overall purpose of worship in relation to church life and God himself. Sidebar articles and quotes are meant to draw readers and study groups into dialogue on these issues.
AuthorPlantinga Jr, Cornelius & Rozeboom, Sue
Year Published2003
Category: Biography
Fifty years after his death, C. S. Lewis continues to inspire and fascinate millions. His legacy remains varied and vast. He was a towering intellectual figure, a popular fiction author who inspired a global movie franchise around the world of Narnia, and an atheist-turned-Christian thinker.

In C.S. Lewis—A Life, Alister McGrath, prolific author and respected professor at King’s College of London, paints a definitive portrait of the life of C. S. Lewis. After thoroughly examining recently published Lewis correspondence, Alister challenges some of the previously held beliefs about the exact timing of Lewis’s shift from atheism to theism and then to Christianity. He paints a portrait of an eccentric thinker who became an inspiring, though reluctant, prophet for our times.
AuthorMcGrath, Alister
Year Published2013
Category: Bible Study
In the six-session small group bible study DVD, God is Closer Than You Think, John Ortberg helps you to discover and enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with God the Father.

God is closer than you think, and connecting with him isn’t the exclusive domain of monks and ascetics.

In God is Closer than You Think, Ortberg reveals the face of God waiting to be discovered in the complex mosaic of your life.

Sessions include:

1. God’s Great Desire for People

2. Where is God in My World?

3. Partnering with God Today

4. Listening to the Voice of God

5. God Wants a Relationship with You

6. Heaven Breaking Through
AuthorOrtberg, John
Year Published2005
Category: Bible Study

In the six-session small group bible study DVD, God is Closer Than You Think, John Ortberg helps you to discover and enjoy a vibrant, moment-by-moment relationship with God the Father.

God is closer than you think, and connecting with him isn’t the exclusive domain of monks and ascetics.

In God is Closer than You Think, Ortberg reveals the face of God waiting to be discovered in the complex mosaic of your life.

Sessions include:

1. God’s Great Desire for People

2. Where is God in My World?

3. Partnering with God Today

4. Listening to the Voice of God

5. God Wants a Relationship with You

6. Heaven Breaking Through

AuthorOrtberg, John
Year Published2005
Category: Church
By the late first millennium, Christianity was caught between a hammer and an anvil – renewed barbarian attacks from the north, while fending off Islam from the south. From the remote fjords of Scandinavia came the best seamen the world had ever seen – the terrifying pagan Vikings, ravaging and plundering coastlands and river settlements as far distant as Byzantium. From the northeast descended the savage Magyars, kinfolk of the old Huns. Yet despite this, medieval Christendom slowly emerged, ruled by impressive kings such as Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, and built in large part by thousands of men and women drawn to monasteries and convents. These monks and nuns sought chiefly what Augustine and the Bible had called the “City of God” – whence the title of this book – but by their patient, selfless labor they laid the foundation of Europe. Meanwhile, evangelistic missions converted the last untamed tribes to the north and east.
AuthorChristian History Project
Year Published2004
Series NameThe Christians #6: Their first two thousand years
Category: Church
The late Middle Ages brought great suffering and death: the shattering of western Christendom between rival papacies, ecclesiastical corruption and cynicism, a plague called the Black Death which killed off half the population of Europe, the destruction of France by England, the fall of Constantinople to a resurgent Islam, and the merciless Catholic suppression of nascent Protestantism. Yet despite such ruin and despair, good things emerged. “Holy Russia” arose in the north and threw off Tartar oppression. Spaniard Christians freed themselves at last from Islam and discovered new continents across the Atlantic. In Italy, the Renaissance saw a magnificent rebirth of art and science in a new and fascinating form.
AuthorChristian History Project
Year Published2010
Series NameThe Christians #8: Their first two thousand years

Join VeggieTales® creator Phil Vischer and a boatload of new friends on a journey through the world’s most amazing book…the Bible!

AuthorJellyfish Labs
Year Published2011
Series NameBuck Denver's What's in the Bible