What We Do - Youth Ministry
Nursery (Childcare during services)
- Provided for children 0-3 during the service.
Sunday School
- Provided for children ages 3 to Grade 3 during the worship service. Children leave for their classes prior to the sermon.
- Children ages 3 to Grade 3 first gather together for singing before separating into their classes where The Faith Alive – “Dwell” curriculum is used. The Christmas Candlelight service is one annual worship highlight in which the children help lead worship.
GEMS Girls Club
GEMS is “Girls Everywhere Meeting their Saviour” and is our club for girls in grades 2-6. GEMS provides a place for girls to learn and grow as they discover who God created them to be. The girls work on crafts and badges that relate to the year’s theme, Bible, stewardship, and personal growth.
The GEMS club meets every second Thursday night from 6:30-8:00 from October to April.

CADETS Boys Club
Cadets is our club for boys in grades 2-6 and is part of the Calvinist Cadet Corps – a North America wide youth ministry. The goal of Cadets is to help boys to grow spiritually in all areas of life (devotional, mental, physical, and social) by providing Christian men with a uniquely designed program so that they can mentor the boys effectively. The boys participate in games, devotions, badge work, and projects. Other activities include a floor hockey tournament, cub car rally, snow derby, and a campout.
Cadets meet every second Thursday night from 6:30 to 8:00 from October to April.
Youth Education:
Learning about our Savior, our church and our response to God, youth from Grades 7-12 meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00am.
Please contact the church office at info@fcrcedm.ca for details.
Youth Group – Grade 7-Grade 12
Activities include fun, service, and spiritual growth opportunities to build a sense of belonging to God’s church and nurture faith. Activities include:
- Serving dinners at the Mustard Seed
- Movie Night
- Youth Retreat (in Spring)
- Serving Senior’s Christmas Dinner
- Serving “after-service” coffee
- Bible Studies
- Laser Tag
- Outdoor activities such as sledding, tubing, skating and skiing
- Sunday Lunch once a month
- Corn Maze
- Fundraising for the SERVE project and other cause by hosting an Adult Dinner & Fun Night
- Joint activities, such as the Mall Hunt, Dodgeball, games in the park, with other local CRC youth groups.
Find out what’s going on by checking the website calendar or the church bulletin.

What We Do - Faith Formation
Bible Study
Current Bible Studies

Coffee Break Womens Bible Study - September to May
We meet every Wednesday morning from 9 to 11 am. Join us for a time of reflection, prayer and study. If you have any questions about this ministry or would like materials for this study, please contact the church office for details (info@fcrcedm.ca)

We welcome you to join us for worship at 10:00 am on Sunday mornings. Our worship services are offered in person or live streamed at: https://youtube.com/@firstcrcedmonton