Who We Are

What We Believe

Our Core Values describe who we are and give direction to the ministries of our church.

  1. We live our lives, at work or play, before the face of God, and in the hand of God.
    • We honour the real presence of the Triune God at all times and in all places.
  2. We bring a joint offering of worship with all our varied gifts and needs.
    • Worship is the response/ability of the entire congregation.
  3. We value the integral role of scripture in the Spirit's work of transforming us, personally and communally.
    • Because scripture has a unique authority as inspired by God, we use it as the central tool in the education of the congregation through preaching, Sunday School, catechism, Bible studies, and our own personal devotions. We believe the Holy Spirit works through scripture to transform us to be more like Christ.
  4. We value our fellowship of believers, recognizing every member as deeply loved by God and living out that love for each other.
    • We believe we are the family of God and we strive to care for, enjoy, and bear with each other through prayer, visits, coffee fellowship, small groups, social activities, cards, meals etc.
  5. We strive to be good neighbours to the community around the church and beyond, sharing the good news of salvation in deed and word.
    • We desire to minister to those around us who are hurting through providing material support, building relationships with the vulnerable, and by living a just and stewardly life which respects the creation as God’s handiwork. The needy, the lost, and creation matter to us as they matter to God.
  6. We value the church of Jesus Christ around the world and through the ages, and our place in it.
    • We are a congregation in the Christian Reformed Church of North America, and we are part of the universal church of Jesus Christ made up of all believers. We respect and learn from believers through the ages.


Our Beliefs - Christian Reformed Church (http://www.crcna.org/welcome/beliefs)


Our Pastor and Staff

Pastor Bernhard VanderVlis
Pastor Bernhard VanderVlis
Tracy Lanza Church: Administrator
Tracy Lanza: Church Administrator
Shelley Kraay: Admin. Assistant
Shelley Kraay: Admin. Assistant
Linda Ryks: Bookkeeper
Linda Ryks: Bookkeeper

Christian Reformed Church

First Christian Reformed Church of Edmonton belongs to the Christian Reformed Church in North America, a denomination with about 250,000 members in 1000 congregations across the United States and Canada.


Our Name

We call ourselves the Christian Reformed Church in North America. What does that mean?

  • We call ourselves Christian because we are followers of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus was the Son of God and that he is the center of human history.
  • We’re called Reformed because we grow on a branch of the church tree that emerged from the Protestant Reformation in sixteenth-century Europe.
  • We’re a Church because we believe God has called us together to be a people who belong to him and live for him.
  • North America tells you where we are situated; but it also tells you we’re connected with other Reformed denominations in other places around the globe.

Our Mission

  • As people called by God,
  • We gather to praise God, listen to him, and respond.
  • We nurture each other in faith and obedience to Christ.
  • We love and care for one another as God's people.
  • We commit ourselves to serve and to tell others about Jesus.
  • We pursue God's justice and peace in every area of life.

Our Vision

The Christian Reformed Church is a diverse family of healthy congregations, assemblies, and ministries expressing the good news of God’s kingdom that transforms lives and communities worldwide.

Our Emblem

Our emblem is the cross in a triangle.
The triangle represents the Trinity, our belief in the one God we know as three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The cross symbolizes our belief in Jesus Christ's sacrificial death for our salvation.

For more information, go to the Christian Reformed Church of North America

Our History


Just over 100 years ago, the First Christian Reformed Church of Edmonton began. A small group of Dutch immigrants came together because of the tragic death of two young children, and as a result of this meeting, decided to form a church. It was a time of uncertainty for these new Dutch immigrants, who described themselves as pilgrims and strangers in a foreign land. Times were difficult; money and jobs were scarce, and the harsh winters were difficult to adjust to. But, together, they could come together to praise their Lord and to sing praises, and to draw strength from their communal meeting with God.

Rev Tjeerd Jongbloed 1911-1919
Rev Tjeerd Jongbloed 1911-1919
First Christian Reformed Church built in 1914
First Christian Reformed Church built in 1914


  • October 21 1910 – First CRC is incorporated. Worship services are held in a tent
  • 1911-1919 Rev. Jongbloed becomes first pastor.
  • 1914 Church building at 93 Street and 105 Avenue is completed.
  • 1915 first daughter church in Neerlandia established
  • 1920 A choir is formed, but doesn’t participate in services
Rev. H. J. Ruys 1920-1922
Rev. H. J. Ruys 1920-1922
Class by the Church
Class by the Church


  • 1920-1922 Rev. Ruys is pastor
  • 1923-1927 Rev.Vander Woude is pastor
  • 1924 first of many First CRC picnics
  • Mid 1920’s The Friendship Circle begins (a men’s group)
  • 1927-1929 Rev. Selles is pastor
Rev. Harm Vander Woude 1923-1927
Rev. Harm Vander Woude 1923-1927
Rev. Albert Selles 1927-1929
Rev. Albert Selles 1927-1929
014 Dutch Settlement May (Frank Visser)



  • 1930-1938 Rev. DeWaal Malefyt is pastor. Becomes greatly loved by the congregation
  • 1930 first church softball team organized
  • 1934 Red Hymnal debut. Singing has its ups and downs with admonitions to follow the organ’s lead and bellows boys are not always faithful at their job of providing the organ with enough air!
  • 1935 second daughter church established – Woodynook CRC in Lacombe
  • 1936 Radio Committee formed to address all of Edmonton
  • 1938 controversy over having a church bulletin
  • 1938-1940 Rev. Weeber is pastor
  • 1939 Lydia’s Circle Society (women’s group) begins to study the Bible and to promote benevolence and missionary zeal
  • 1940 Rev. Weeber is suspended
Rev. Karel E.FJ. DeWaal Malefyt 1930-1938
Rev. Karel E.FJ. DeWaal Malefyt 1930-1938
Rev. Albert H. Bratt 1941-1943
Rev. Albert H. Bratt 1941-1943
Rev George Weeber 1938-1940
Rev George Weeber 1938-1940
Rev. Paul De Koekkoek 1945-1949
Rev. Paul De Koekkoek 1945-1949


  • 1941-1943 Rev. Bratt is pastor
  • 1941 Ladies Friendship Circle begins
  • 1944 Council minutes are written in English
  • 1945-1949 Rev. DeKoekkoek is pastor
  • 1945 three lots purchased on 96 Street to build a manse and church
  • 1946 Manse is completed at 10952-96 Street
  • 1947 First CRC opens its doors at 10956-96 Street and within 2 years the new building is too small.
  • 1947 Pump organ is retired in favour of a Hammond organ
  • 1949 Edmonton Christian School opens,
    holding classes in First church’s basement
1940 May The Young Calvinist winners FCRC YPS
1940 May The Young Calvinist winners FCRC YPS
1947 cement foundation Sid Visser far left foreman for Steward Olsen church builders
1947 cement foundation Sid Visser far left foreman for Steward Olsen church builders



  • 1950-1955 Rev. Van Baalen is pastor
  • 1954 Women may now attend but not vote at congregational meetings
  • 1956-1960 Rev. VandeRiet is pastor
  • mid 1950s Council appoints a Worship Committee
  • mid 1950s church purchases a new Allen organ
  • 1955 choirs are now allowed to sing in the services on occasion
  • 1956 Sunday School permitted a Christmas tree in the building
  • 1959 women permitted to vote at congregational meetings


  • 1960 church building is expanded
  • 1960-1966 Rev. Boelkins is pastor
  • 1961 Calvinettes and Cadets girls and boys clubs established
  • 1965 Manse next door at 10952-96 Street sold; another purchased at 106Avenue and 74 Street
  • 1966-1969 Rev. Matheis is pastor
Rev. Jan Karel Van Baalen 1950-1955
Rev. Jan Karel Van Baalen 1950-1955
Rev. Winston C. Boelkins 1960-1966
Rev. Winston C. Boelkins 1960-1966
Rev. Jack Matheis 1966-1969
Rev. Jack Matheis 1966-1969
Rev. Garrett H. Vande Riet 1956 - 1960
Rev. Garrett H. Vande Riet 1956 - 1960
1959 outside FCRC
1959 outside FCRC
1960ish YP bowling league in FCRC basement
1960ish YP bowling league in FCRC basement
1951 1st meeting of Classis AB North at FCRC Nov 27
1951 1st meeting of Classis AB North at FCRC Nov 27



  • 1970-1974 Rev. Vriend is pastor
  • 1973 church sanctuary renovations – includes new iron baptismal font and communion table, cedar pulpit, and newly designed light fixtures
  • 1973-1974 baby grand piano is donated to First CRC
  • 1974-1980 Rev. DeMoor is pastor
  • 1980 new manse purchased in west end at 110 Ave and 144 Street (near West Edmonton Christian School)


  • 1980-1985 Rev. Samplonius is pastor
  • Early 1980s church purchases a new Allan organ
  • Early 1980s Second CRC disbands and many members join First CRC
  • 1985-1992 Rev. VanderBeek is pastor
  • 1988 many members leave to form the Orthodox Reformed Church
Rev. John Vriend 1970 - 1974
Rev. John Vriend 1970 - 1974
Rev. H. Samplonius 1980-1985
Rev. H. Samplonius 1980-1985
Rev. H. Vander Beek 1985-1992
Rev. H. Vander Beek 1985-1992
Rev. Henry De Moor Jr. 1974-1980
Rev. Henry De Moor Jr. 1974-1980
1979 SS Christmas Program
1979 SS Christmas Program
1980 Church Picnic
1980 Church Picnic



  • 1991 a large expansion to the church building is begun
  • 1993 Rev. VanNiejenhuis begins his long and fruitful ministry at First CRC
  • 1993 first female elected to Council – a deacon
  • 1994 the first of our annual church campouts
  • 1999 position of part time church secretary was formally established and Linda Ryks continued her much appreciated service to our congregation in this new role


  • 2005 Autumn Leaves senior’s society disbands
  • 2008 position of part-time ministry coordinator established and Loretta Stadt begins a three year term of service during a time of transition
  • 2008 Congregational celebration of God's grace with a picnic in Riverdale neighbourhood where many congregation members lived in the early years. Horse drawn carriage rides through Riverdale led by members who remember the old days.
  • 2009 Rev. VanNiejenhuis leaves the pastor position after 15 years of service.


Rev. H. Vander Beek 1985-1992
Rev. H. Vander Beek 1985-1992
Cecil VanNiejenhuis 1993-2009
Cecil VanNiejenhuis 1993-2009
Rev Michael Van Boom Dec 2010 to 2014
Rev Michael Van Boom Dec 2010 to 2014
1991 Fall Renovations
FCRC 1992
FCRC 1992
Sept 13 08 celebration
Sept 13 08 celebration


  • 2010 church re-purchases the property next door that it sold in 1965
  • 2010 100th Anniversary! Celebrating God's faithfulness to the congregation. Highlights include:
    • Combined worship service with Alberta North congregations at the Winspear Centre with over 1000 people.
    • Banquet with past and present members
    • Family Fun Day at country hall
    • Sunday October 17 2010 - Celebration centennial service led by five past pastors: Winston Boelkins, Henry De Moor, Homer Samplonius, Henry Vanderbeek, Cecil Van Niejenhuis
  • 2010 – Rev. Mike Van Boom arrives from Lethbridge in December 2010 to begin serving our congregation
  • 2014 - Rev. Mike Van Boom ends his service as our pastor
  • 2015 - Rev. Pete Vanderbeek arrives from Nobleford to begin serving as our interim pastor for one year.
  • 2017 - Rev. Brian Dunn begins his ministry with us, arriving from Rocky Mountain House
  • 2021 - Rev. Brian Dunn ends his service as our pastor
Rev Michael Van Boom Dec 2010 to 2014
Rev Michael Van Boom Dec 2010 to 2014
Scenes from the FCRC 100th Anniversary
Scenes from the FCRC 100th Anniversary
Scenes from the FCRC 100th Anniversary
Scenes from the FCRC 100th Anniversary
Scenes from the FCRC 100th Anniversary
Scenes from the FCRC 100th Anniversary
Scenes from the FCRC 100th Anniversary Oct 17 2010
Scenes from the FCRC 100th Anniversary Oct 17 2010