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Category: Family
AuthorStolpe, Norman D.
Category: Family
AuthorLeman, Kevin
Year Published2010
Category: Family
AuthorLeman, Kevin
Year Published2009
Category: Family
The time has come, argues Dr. Wess Stafford, for a major paradigm shift: Children are too important and too intensely loved by God to be left behind or left to chance. Children belong to all of us and we are compelled to intervene on their behalf. We must invest in children–all across the world. There are strategic, persuasive reasons–beyond love and kindness–to invest in children. Today they may snuggle into your lap, if you let them. But tomorrow you may not have access to them in the corridors of power they might occupy. Now is the time to shape the future. Dr. Stafford issues an urgent call for change. His adventures as a boy raised in a West African village provide an often-humorous and always-captivating backdrop to his profound and inspiring challenges. Wess lived the reality of “it takes a village to raise a child” and calls us to “be that loving village for children everywhere.” This book will encourage you to turn your good, loving intentions into strategic actions and empower you to help change the world–and the future–forever: one child at a time.
AuthorStafford, Wess
Year Published2007
Category: Family
Society tells us that sex is an act of self-expression, a personal choice for physical pleasure that can be summed up in the ubiquitous phrase "hooking up." Millions of American teenagers and young adults are finding that the psychological baggage of such behaviour is having a real and lasting impact on their lives. They are discovering that "hooking up" is the easy part, but "unhooking" from the bonds of a sexual relationship can have serious consequences.

A practical look into new scientific research showing how sexual activity causes the release of brain chemicals which then result in emotional bonding and a powerful desire to repeat the activity. This book will help parents and singles understand that "safe sex" isn't safe at all; that even if they are protected against STDs and pregnancy, they are still hurting themselves and their partner.
AuthorMcIlhaney Jr, Joe S. and McKissic Bush, Freda
Year Published2008
Category: Family
Today's movies, music, and magazines bombard your preteen and teenage daughters with worldly images! Courtney shows how you can overcome the negative influences of our provocative culture as she addresses timely topics, including sexual purity; the dangers of conformity; self-worth; modesty; femininity; and more.
AuthorCourtney, Vicki
Year Published2004
Category: Marriage
AuthorCornwall, Robert
Category: Marriage
AuthorEggerichs, Emerson
Category: Marriage
AuthorDobson, James C.