First CRC Library

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Category: Theology
Historian of Christianity Ken Stewart is intent on setting the record straight about Reformed theology. He identifies ten myths held by either or both Calvinists and non-Calvinists and shows how they are gross mischaracterizations of that theological stream. Certain of these persistent stereotypes that defy historical research often present a truncated view of the depth and breadth of the Reformed tradition. Others, although erroneous, are nevertheless used to dismiss outright this rich body of biblical theological teaching.
AuthorStewart, Kenneth J.
Year Published2011
Category: Theology
AuthorBerkhof, Louis
Category: Theology
AuthorSmith, James and Venema, Henry I.
Year Published2004
Category: Theology
AuthorVandervelde, George
Year Published1989
Category: Theology
AuthorKuyper, Abraham
Category: Theology
AuthorKuyper, Abraham
Category: Theology
This Reformed classic by Loraine Boettner (1901-1990) provides both the Scriptural basis and the historical background for Calvinism. It serves as a solid primer for those who are unfamiliar with Calvinistic belief. Boettner also includes a short biography on Calvin, and he summarizes the progression of Calvinism in Europe and in America.
AuthorBoettner, Loraine
Year Published1932
Category: Theology
AuthorDe Graaf, S.G. and Stienstra, Richard
Year Published2011
Category: Theology
AuthorHylkema, G.W. and E.J. Tuuk