First CRC Library

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When it comes to the history of the universe, many believe that science and faith are mutually exclusive. But in this revised version of Origins, physics professors Loren and Deborah Haarsma explore what God's Word and God's world teach us about creation, evolution, and intelligent design.

Clearly explaining the science, the authors focus on areas where Christians agree. They also present the strengths and weaknesses of areas where Christians differ.

Origins helps you develop a deeper understanding of the origins of the universe and sort out your own views on faith and science. Small group discussion questions follow each chapter. A companion website provides resources for further study.
AuthorHaarsma, Deborah B. and Haarsma, Loren D.
Year Published2011
AuthorWillis Jr, Avery and Henry Blackaby
AuthorTchividjian, Stephan and Gigi
AuthorShook, Kerry & Chris
Year Published2008
Category: Children
AuthorNederveld, Patricia L.
Series NameGod Loves Me #21
Category: Children
AuthorNederveld, Patricia L.
Series NameGod Loves Me #49
Category: Biography
AuthorSchaap, James C.
Category: Biography
Within a solitary moment, Marie Monville realized that life as she knew it was over.

On October 2, 2006, Marie Monville’s husband entered an Amish schoolhouse in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and shot ten young girls, killing five of them, before turning the gun on himself. The event shocked the nation and left many staggering under the weight of such tragedy and evil. Marie was overwhelmed. What she never anticipated was a tangible encounter with God reaching into her circumstances, rewriting all she believed about herself, her faith, and God’s ability to forge beauty out of life’s ashes.

One Light Still Shines reveals three love stories: the innocent love of a devoted wife for a husband in pain; the incomprehensible love of God in the aftermath of massacre and destruction; and the redemptive love of Christ, waiting to unfold in the life of every person who listens to this audiobook.

Marie’s journey since that darkest of days has been invaded with light that shines through into the darkest questions we all face―questions about our past, our value, our identity, and our powerlessness in this fallen world. Come face-to-face with the power behind every answer―a love that begs to be received
AuthorMonville, Marie
Year Published2013
Category: Biography
AuthorZomerman-Bootsma, Zwaantina L.
Year Published2008
Category: Bible Study
AuthorShook, Kerry and Chris