First CRC Library

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AuthorDobson, James C.
AuthorSchooland, Marian M.
AuthorCrowley, Mary C./Emery, Allan C.
Callaway's personal stories and those gleaned from millionaires, CEOs, and ''regular folks so tired they can hardly lace their Velcro tennis shoes'' show how God can help us live deliberately in a high-speed culture.
AuthorCallaway, Phil
Year Published2002
AuthorEMI Christian Music
AuthorEMI Christian Music
AuthorEMI Christian Music
How will evangelicals respond to contemporary cultural shifts? What they believe influences how they respond and this will have significant ramifications for the future of a free society and its business, economic, and public sectors. Sometimes the way forward is found by looking back. Abraham Kuyper, a Dutch theologian and prime minister of Holland (1901 1905), elaborated on the doctrine of common grace, a theology of public service, and cultural engagement of Christians' shared humanity with the rest of the world. As Kuyper noted, "If God is sovereign, then his lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the church or within the Christian orbit." Kuyper's work shows us that God is not absent from the non church areas of our common life and bestows his gifts and favor to all people.
AuthorKuyper, Abraham
Year Published2011